A family of varying ages and genders all laid on the ground outside with a baby and a young child.

Welcome to the Family Hubs website

Family Hubs provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for you and your family to access the information, advice and support you need when you need it.

Each hub provides a wide range of services to support you during pregnancy and throughout the first 1001 days of your child’s life and as your child grows and develops.


Register for Family Hubs services


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We offer support to you and your family in your local community from conception, through the first 1001 days (2 years) of your child’s life and up to the age of 19, or up to 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

We will support you by improving your access to a range of information and advice as well as connecting you with other relevant services.

Across Hull, support for families is delivered by many committed midwives, health visitors, family support workers, social workers and primary care practitioners, as well as many committed volunteers. We are proud to work together to ensure that all children get the best start in life, and therefore the opportunity to thrive, and grow into happy and healthy children and adults.

We aim to offer -

  • seamless support for families
  • a welcoming family hub where families can access the full range of Start for Life services
  • the full range of information, advice and guidance in accessible formats to support families through the first 1001 days and beyond

mother and baby playing on the floor together

This Family Hubs website shares with you the range of activities available and links to all the above partners services and support.

Access the Start for Life offer

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Featured news article

Hull City Council Wins Award!

Hull City Council was recently successful in achieving the most sustainable local authority award at the recent Yorkshire and Humber Infant Feeding Awards.

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Have your say at our Parent Carer Panel

We need your voice to help us provide the best for you and your family, and to help us shape the services offered through the Family Hubs across Hull.

Our Parent Carer Panels offer the chance to come together and share experiences on different services and activities for families in your local community.

Have your say

Get involved

We have worked with our parents, carers and partners to produce this website and we will continue to do so to add more information and advice.

If you would like to tell us about any suggestions you may have, or about any improvements you feel could be made, share your ideas. You can also find out about the plans we already have to improve the site.

Get involved

Worried about a child

If you are worried that a child or young person under the age of 18 is at risk of harm or needs help and support, it is important that you share this with us.

If you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk you should contact the police on 999.

More information