Priory Family Hub

Family Hub at Priory

Priory Family Hub, offers lots of sessions and services for local families. It is a great place to meet new parents and carers. We are your community resource and we offer a warm, friendly welcoming environment. Come and visit us to find out what is available.

You can now register the birth of your baby at Priory Family Hub. 

Click here to view and book Priory Family Hub's activities

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Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm

Friday 8.30 to 4.30pm.

Closed weekends


Priory Family Hub
Priory Primary School
Priory Road


01482 305 770


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Follow us to stay updated with your local events and offers!

We provide a wide range of services to support you and your family.

A full timetable of events and activities is available to download here.

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Most of the sessions take place during term-time only. Check with your local Family Hub before attending during school holidays.

Priory Family Hub Activity Timetable

Day Time Session Venue Voluntary contribution per family
Monday 9.30am to 10.30am Priory Sensory
A session for children in the sensory room where they can explore the world around them using touch, sight and hearing.
Call on 01482 305 770 to book. Term time only.
Priory Family Hub £1 per family
  10am to 11am Parent and Tots Dance
Movement to music session for 2 to 4 years (as a guide) that they can take part in alongside their parent or carer or grandparent. 45 mins of activity to help your child's social, physical, and emotional development. Just turn up!
Priory Baptist Church £1 per family
Tuesday 9am to 4pm Fareshare Collection
Members can collect a bag of food (£1.50). Items include - tins, jars, cereals, fruit, vegetables and more. To become a member just turn up and register. Parents, carers and expectant parents of 0-11 years.
Priory Family Hub £1.50 per bag
  10am to 11am Tots Football Session
Football themed fun for 2-4 year to help develop movement skills, encouraging fun and social interaction around other children in a relaxed session. Just turn up!
Tigers Trust Arena, West Park £1 per family
  10am to 12 midday Child Health Clinic
Speak with a Health Visitor and have your baby weighed.
No booking required
Priory Family Hub Free
  11am to 12 midday

SEND Sensory Session


A stay and play session for 0-5 years with a SEND practitioner on hand for advice and support. Call on 01482 305 770 to book.

Priory Family Hub £1 per family
  1pm to 2pm

Us Mums Bump & Baby Bootcamp

Uses bodyweight/resistance bands and hand weights to help tone, strengthen and improve fitness levels. Non mobile babies welcome. No need to book, just turn up.

Priory Family Hub £1 per family
Wednesday 10am to 11am

Tummy Time

A play session to help explore and develop babies first movements for 0-crawling. Please call 01482 305 770 to book a place.

Ainthorpe (within Little Owls nursery) HU5 5EB

£1 per family
  1.30pm to 2.30pm Priory Playtime
A weekly play session for 0-5 years with singing, play and parachute.
Call 01482 305 770 to book
Term time only
Priory Family Hub £1 per family
Thursday 10am to 11am Infant Massage 
6-week course
Call 01482 305 770 to book. Dates and times may vary.
Priory Family Hub £1 per family
  9.30am to 10.30am Costello Kids
0 to 5 years play session with a baby area, role play toys, a snack and singing, there will be creative art opportunities for all ages.
Call 01482 305 770 to book
Term time only
Costello Stadium, HU4 6XQ £1 per family
  11am to 12 midday

Mini Rugby by Hull FC

Fun rugby session for 2-4 years (as a guide). Just turn up!

Tigers Trust Arena, West Park £1 per family
Friday 10.30am to 11.30am

Legs, Bums & Mums

Gentle toning exercises for Pre and Post Natal women, non-mobile babies welcome. No need to book, just turn up.

Priory Family Hub £1 per family
Friday 1.30pm to 2.30pm Us Mums Buggy Workout
Suitable for pregnant women and new mums. Fun outdoor social activity working on general fitness and wellbeing using the buggy/pram. Just turn up.
Peter Pan Park Free