Latest news

  • Healthy Holidays Programme - Beat the Heat!

    Beat the Heat! An event exclusively for 11 - 16 year olds with plenty of activities to enjoy and get involved in! It is free to attend and you can just turn up on the day, no booking required.

    Published: 24th July 2023

    Beat the Heat flyer
  • HENRY - Healthy Start, Brighter Future

    Everyone wants the best for their children, but it can be hard to know what to do as a parent in the early years. That's where HENRY comes in. The HENRY programme is free to join.

    Published: 24th July 2023

    US mums timetable
  • Infant Mental Health Week

    For pregnant women and their partners living in Hull. 12 - 18 June. Bonding before birth.

    Published: 12th June 2023

    Pregnant woman with male looking towards baby bump
  • Co-sleeping

    We need to talk about co-sleeping!

    Published: 27th March 2023

    image of a couple sleeping with a baby in the bed
  • Tips to get your kids to eat veg.

    80% of kids don’t eat enough vegetables. If you are worried about your child’s mood, behaviour and learning, a good place to start is their diet.

    Published: 27th March 2023

    Eat them to defeat them taking over the world picture with various vegetables
  • Don't miss out!

    Group Programme for parents with children aged 0 to 5 years.

    Published: 27th March 2023

    Teddy bear with Henry written in green writing