Dads and partners
Before your baby arrives is a good time to start thinking about your own health.
If you smoke, try to quit. Smoking around pregnant women can cause serious health issues for your baby and your partner. You can find help on the Change Grow Live website.
Eating healthily and reducing alcohol now can help you prepare for the long days and nights with a newborn. If your diet could benefit from some small changes you could consider some healthy swaps. Healthy Holidays Hull can help with information on eating healthy and Change Grow Live can help with reducing alcohol.
Having people you can talk to at such a life-changing time can be helpful, especially if you have questions or if you need to speak to someone outside of your relationship and family.
Let's Talk is a place you can find resources or talk about anything from your physical and mental health to rising costs of bills and debt.
Andy's Man Club run free, weekly support groups that give men an opportunity to be open about things happening in their lives.
For concerns about you child’s health or development you can text a local Health Visitor 07312 263 206.