Have your say

We need your voice to help us provide the best for you and your family, and to help us shape the services offered through the Family Hubs across Hull.
Our Parent Carer Panels offer the chance to come together and share experiences on different services and activities for families in your local community.
You can get involved if you are -
- a parent or carer of a child under 2 years of age
- pregnant or your partner is pregnant
The benefits of getting involved are -
- meeting other parents at a similar stage in their parenting journey
- incentives such as shopping vouchers
- travel costs being paid for
- training opportunities
- group sessions with staff support and a playzone so that your baby can come too
We would like to invite you to join our panel, if you are interested speak to the Family Hub below.
Here is a list of the upcoming Parent Carer Panels -
- Little Stars Family Hub, 95 Preston Road, HU9 3QB, Thursday 13 March, 1 to 3 pm, contact 01482 790 277 or email info@childdynamix.co.uk
- Parks Family Hubs, Courtway Road, HU6 9TA, Tuesday 13 May 1 to 3pm, contact 01482 803 978 or email parksfamilyhub@hullcc.gov.uk