Parks Family Hub

Family Hub at Parks

Parks Family Hub offers a welcoming and friendly space for families in the North Hull area. Our staff are professional and experienced in providing help and support. We pride ourselves on creating services that are good quality and meet the varied needs of children and families. We also work closely with McMillan Family Hub.

We deliver a wide range of sessions and activities to help children have the best start in life. We also offer advice and guidance for parents to help you in such an important role.

Click here to view and book our sessions (opens in Eventbrite)


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Closed weekends


Parks Family Hub
Courtway Road


01482 803 978


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A full timetable of events and activities are available to download.

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Most of the sessions take place during term-time only. Check with your local Family Hub before attending during school holidays.

Parks Family Hub Autumn Activity Timetable

Day Time Session Suitable age group Location Voluntary contribution per family


10 to 11:30am

Little Moments - A relaxed group for parents (and parents to be) of children under 2 who could do with some support with their wellbeing.

0 to 2 years  Parks Family Hub Free


10 to 10:45am

Babbling Babies - A singing and sensory session for babies aged 0 to 12 months with songs, props, bubbles and the chance to make your own scrapbook!

0 to 12 months

McMillan Family Hub £1


 1:30 to 2:30pm

Tiny Twinkles -  A sensory session with lots of lights, sounds, songs and rhymes.

0 to 18 months Parks Family Hub £1


1 to 2pm

Mini Mac Sensory Play - A messy, sensory play session where children can have lots of fun exploring their sense through messy play.

0 to 2 years McMillan Family Hub £1


1 to 2.30pm

KIDS and Play Together - referral onl - Language development sessions for pre-school children with speech and language development delays.

To make a referral contact KIDS on 01482 467 540

Varied Parks Family Hub Free


10 to 11.15am

Dinosaur Club - Play, stories and fun activities indoor and outdoor.

0 to 5 years

Parks Family Hub



10.30 to 11.30am

Dino Eggs - Singing, stories and time to talk to new friends from our session.

0 to Confident sitters Greenwood Avenue Library Free


9:30 to 11:30am

Child Health Clinic - Drop in to get your baby weighed by a Health Visitor

Babies and Toddlers

Parks Family Hub



10 to 11.15am

Tiny Explorers - Sensory activities, messy play, treasure baskets, singing and parachute.

0 to 2 years Parks Family Hub £1


1:30 to 2:30pm

FareShare - Members can collect a bag of food for £1.50. Items include - tins, jars, cereals, fruit, vegetables and more. To become a member just turn up and register.

Parent and carers with children aged 0 to 18 years Parks Family Hub £1.50


10 - 11.15am

Discover and Play - Sand and water play, outdoor play, singing and lots more.

0 to 5 years McMillan Family Hub £1
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What local families say about us -

"Karen – People need to give the Family Hub a try, I wouldn’t be where I am today without their support. My life is now easier the children are in a good routine, and I can manage their behaviour well. They have listened to me without judging me and have given me the support I needed at the time."

Parents who attend weekly play sessions have said

"There's a variety of things to do and there's something for everyone" "It gets me out of the house, my little boy socialises with those of the same age, and I can chat to others in the same situation as me."