Infant feeding

Positioning and attachment

Breastfeeding is instinctive and natural for baby but getting the positioning and attachment right can take a bit of practice. There are lots of different positions you can choose. All positions follow the same key principles but don’t be worried about asking for help if you are struggling.

Follow the C.H.I.N.S. acronym to help:

C - Hold baby CLOSE
H - Hold baby so their head, body and legs are all in line
I - Hold baby IN a straight line
N - Hold baby NOSE to NIPPLE
S - Make the position SUSTAINABLE, be comfortable as it may be for a while, maybe have a drink at hand

Positioning and attachment info

Wait for a big wide mouth, let your baby tip their head back and bring him or her quickly to the breast with the chin leading. Sometimes the sucking sensations are strong at the start of the feed, especially in the early days, but this should quickly settle and feeding should be pain free and baby content and settled. Always ask for help if you need it.

Breastfeeding leaflet

More information on breastfeeding